Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Training: 11/09/11 - 17/09/11

This week in training was pretty difficult, considering that I didn't take any days off last week. As a result, I think I messed up my metatarsal on both feet. I'm taking a few days off this week as a consequence. The training itself was pretty solid. I had a really good day (Wednesday) on the track despite it starting at 5:45AM. The long run felt great too. Downtown DC is pretty difficult to get around in, with all the stops and starts. Looking forward to starting this week. Next week I have the half marathon coming up. 

Monday: Tempo- 1 mile @ 9:29, 4 miles @ 6:43 min/mi
Tuesday: Semi Long Run- 8 miles @ 7:46 min/mi
Wednesday: Speed- 4 quarters (1:27, 1:26, 1:26, 1:25), 1 mile @ 5:49, 4 quarters (1:24, 1:25, 1:24, 1:23),    1 mile @ 5:49
Thursday: Recovery- 4 miles @ 8:26min/mi
Friday: Speed- 1 mile @ 5:42 pace on treadmill, 1/2 mile @ 5:39 pace, plus warm up & cool down
Saturday: Long Run- 15 miles @ 7:43 pace w/ 1 mile @ 6:42 pace
Sunday: Rest

Total: 40 miles

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