Monday, January 31, 2011

Triumph of the Willpower

Last weekend I had a complete lack of willpower to do anything. I literally didn't do a thing on Saturday and it took me virtually all day to get myself out of the house on Sunday. I ended up going on my long run, which usually happens on Saturday morning, at 4:30pm a day later.

Contrast the weekend with the weekday and I'm a bit puzzled. LastFriday I did a treadmill workout of 3 x 1 mile at around 5:45 pace with .2 miles recovery. Then when I got home I did 30 minutes of yoga. So it seems like days when I have less time, I get more done. Why is that? Is it a lack of willpower?

I was reading External Supports for you Willpower on Timothy A. Pychyl's Don't Delay blog today, and I was trying to see how it fit my own life. I think what most everyone struggles with is a struggle to will oneself to do the boring, tedious, or painful daily tasks. Even though I enjoy running, sometimes I just get so adverse to doing it that I put it off until the very last minute.

When I do run on Saturday morning, I tend to run with people. Maybe that is part of the external supports that Pychyl discusses. Maybe I need to make myself a schedule. This weekend my father comes to visit so I have to get it in earlier or I don't do it at all, which isn't really an option. I'll see how it goes.

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