Wednesday, January 19, 2011


From an article in the New York Times today comes information from several studies that seem to confirm that lifting weights is just as beneficial to cognitive development as cardiovascular exercise. As with running, strength training increases blood flow to the brain, which in turn improves cognitive functions as well as neurogenesis.

This bothers me for several reasons. The first reason is that I want to engage in the activity that's giving me the best twofer. This news that guys who look like one of the werewolves from Twilight shouldn't be allowed to be smart too. It's just unfair. The second reason this news bothers me is because I really despise lifting weights. I find it the most tedious, boring task ever. It's a very Sisyphean way to spend ones time. By contrast, running is spiritual. You get to run outside, discover new places. You can run with people, next to people, behind or in front of others.

The second reason is that I just don't want weight lifters to be on par to runners, and for that reason I refuse to believe in science for this one. Global warming, I believe the science. Meatheads and No Necks are just as good as runners, is just heresy.{E5D5C83F-CE2D-4D71-9DD6-FC7231E090FB}{E5D5C83F-CE2D-4D71-9DD6-FC7231E090FB}

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