Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Instead I'll Run These

There are two runs that I prefer to run in instead of the Rock'n'Roll Marathon that is overpriced and without a course map.

First is the George Washington Classic 10K, sponsored by Pacers Running Stores. I volunteered for this a few years ago, maybe in 2007, when I was injured. I remembering it being a well run race that had good giveaways and post race snacks. Climate change wasn't as powerful then, so it was still pretty cold. I'm looking forward to running it in shorts. I wanted to run a 38ish (likely a 38:10) I think my best 10K was 38:53 way back in 2009, but I'm sure that I can best it.

The second is the Colonial Half Marathon down in Southern Virginia. I'm not sure what really to expect from this one, only that I want/need to run a marathon before I run Boston, just to gauge where I'm at. I think I've done that for all of my other more successful races. My PR was in 2009 with a time of 1:25:37, which I'd like whittled down to sub 1:25:00. It seems that 2009 was good to me.

I have a lot of work to do, but I think that I've gotten faster. These races will be markers to see what I should run. I've taken a lot for McMillan's Race Predictor. I input 2:59 even for my marathon time just because I wanted some wiggle room. So the below race times were predicted for me by science. 

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