Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year, New Shoes

When I went to the Logan Circle Pacers fun run about two months ago, a brand rep from Saucony was there with a trial pair of running shoes if we wanted to give them a spin. I decided I wanted to give the minimalist Kinvara a try and that's what I did. I noticed that I had to shorten my stride with them. I could definitely feel it in the bottom of my feet by the end of the run though.

A few days ago, following Christmas, I decided to give myself the gift of new running shoes. I waited until today (Happy New Year!) to open the package and try them on.

I went for my inaugural 2012 run around the US Capitol with these shoes and I felt great. They were really light. I felt much more focused on my stride and how my feet were hitting the ground. At the end I didn't even feel any pain in the bottom of my feet. I am still suffering from some sort of groin strain. Afterward, I iced, I stretched, and hopefully it will go away or I'll be taking a trip to the sports doc.

I still need to start training plan!

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