Monday, September 26, 2011

Training: 11/18/11 - 11/24/11

This week kind of sucked since I had to wait for my metatarsals to heal. I decided that the culprit was the condition of my running shoes, so I bought some new Saucony Hurricanes (pictured left). I also think the culprit was partnered with over-training. For two weeks, I basically didn't have any days off even though my feet were hurting and needed ice daily.That was a dumb move. I'm not 19 anymore. So maybe this will teach me a valuable lesson, but rather, I never learn anything. I love running and I'd do it everyday if my body would let me.  

Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Rest (again)
Wednesday: Speed - 400@ 1:25, 800@ 2:50, 1200@ 4:20, 1600@ 5:46, 1200@ 4:21, 800@ 2:46,  
    400@  1:14 (Track)
Thursday: 7 mi @ 7:58 min/mi
Friday: Speed - 1mi @ 5:49, 800@ 2:50, 800@ 2:50   (Treadmill)
Saturday: Long Run - 10mi @ 7:19 min/mi
Sunday: 4mi @ 8:07 min/mi

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