Wednesday, March 2, 2011

New Boston Rules: Wicked Retahded

The new rules aren't really wicked retahded, I just wanted to use that as a title. Initially I thought the changes that were made to the entry process of the Boston Marathon were fair. After reading about it from a variety of perspectives, I think it's just ok.

Basically the changes make it easier for the faster people (per group) to register. For 2012 the qualifying times remain the same, but people who are
faster by 20 minutes, 10 minutes, or five minutes can register before the open registration. This I think is mostly fair because it favors the cream of the crop of runners, and that's what running Boston is all about. Then after reading this blog post, I kind of had second thoughts.

The qualifying standards for Boston heavily favor women. I mean
there is a 30 minute different between different genders of the same age. To put it into context, the world record is about 12 minutes apart and the gap between men's and women's times are narrowing. The 30 minute rule was put into effect sometime in the 1970s. Women have become much faster since then as well as opinions about their capabilities. For instance, at some point they thought the women's uterus would fall out if a woman ran a marathon. I don't want to detract from anyone's accomplishments, but I really think that time should be lowered by at least 5 minutes for females in relationship to that of their male counterparts.

For 2013, the times will be lowered by 5:59 across the board. So men ages 18-34 will now have to run 3:05:00 or below instead of 3:10:59 as in previous years. Because for 2011 Boston sold out so quickly, something needed to be done and I appreciate that they are trying to make it more competitive. Maybe my feelings have something to do with me already being eligible to register for 2012. That being said, I might not be able to register if those people who are 20 or 10 minutes faster than I am already register before I get the chance. So my fear is that women who are 18-34 who have an easier qualifying standard register in a larger number.

I guess time will tell if their policy will work for the better. The Boston Athletic Association's goal is to make money, but they also have a legacy to keep intact. And if they piss everyone off, then it's not going to make as much money. I've also noticed that their merchandising is not longer just for those who run the race. The apparel (below) now reads "B
oston Marathon Qualifier." That's nice for those who ran a qualifying time, but didn't get in. It's also nice way to get that green.

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