Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Injury Update: Physical Therapy is an Angel

After receiving the news that I have ITBS, I went to physical therapy for a few weeks. Long story short: I'm cured! I no longer have any pain, no tinge of it even and I've completed a full marathon, a 5K and a half marathon since graduation from Gimp University.

One of the first things my trainer did was use dry needle release to loosen my muscles. No, it's not acupuncture. It's when a needle is stuck into the muscle, and the practitioner uses it kind of like a joystick to get the muscle to contract and/or release. At first I found it horrifying, but then after a few sessions I learned to love it. Not love it, but love the results.

We also worked on strengthening my glute and hip muscles. One exercise we did where I was lying down on my side and I did some leg lifts. I call it the Jane Fonda. The next one I did was where you tie a strap around your legs and move to the side. That's the one I should still be doing today because it helped the most. Then the last one was where you stand on one leg and put your leg on a slidey thing and push off at a forty five degree angle away from you. It never really did anything for me.

So there you have it. We also worked on my shoulder, which is better now but it still feels not 100%.

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