Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rock N Roll: Going for Broke

And by "Going for Broke" I mean that I would go broke trying to run a lot of races in DC. Running is expensive! (But I'll get to that later.) I was ready to pay the $110 to run the Rock N Roll Half Marathon, when the race-- sans course map and three months away-- SOLD OUT. This is the first year that the ubiquitous "Rock N Roll" series has visited the District, so I wanted to see what the fuss was about. I knew that there were about 600 entries left, but I decided to wait until the next day because I procrastinate. When I tried to register the next day, I found out that the number of entries was zero. Well that made my decision easy. I think my procrastination was generated by the fact that the Rock N Roll half marathon was way overpriced and that chaps my ass.

As you can see from the screen cap to the right, the prices for the half marathon were really expensive. I think I ran the Freedom Run Half Marathon for less than $60. Granted it was an hour and a half away, but still. Paying over $75 for a half marathon really is pretty ridiculous, especially when the full marathon is only $15 more. By that logic, the extra 13 miles of race logistics are a little more than $1 more per mile? Makes no sense. And as I stated above, there is no course map, so what people are getting themselves into? The only thing I took away from this experience is that I really need to get into the race directing game.

There are a few other choices I have including the Colonial Half Marathon, which is at the end of February and the GW Birthday Classic 10-K, which is mid February. These races will put me in good position for Boston on 16 April, and I won't go broke either.

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