I registered myself for the New York City marathon believing that I would be rejected. That didn't happen because on November 1, 2009 I will be running it along with 40,000 other individuals. In doing so, I decided to create a goal for myself -- to run 26.2 miles in 2:59:59 or less. It's the next progression in my running. I've trained very hard to get where I am. I've ran three marathons so far, including Boston. I've never been a fast runner at short distances, but I can run far. I've always enjoyed pushing myself past what I thought I was able. It helps me work out many issues in my mind; creative, stress, problem-solving etc.
I would like to explore how the brain is affected by exercise and more specifically the relationship between the mind and running. Running has provided a myriad of benefits for me concerning the mind. I believe that running unlocks my creative unconscious. I've had some of my better thoughts while running. I can't remember most of them, but I remember breaking some sort of creative boundary while running.
Now I mostly run to relieve stress, and have some sort of short term goals that I can achieve.
I would like to use this blog as way to chronicle how the brain and the body work together in the sport of running.